The Fabulous Fadjur
(Fadheilan x Bint Sahara)
1952 – 1983
Bred by Harry Linden of Spokane, Washington
Owned & Loved throughout his lifetime by Marjory F. Tone
Jack Tone Ranch, Stockton, California
Marjory F. Tone first saw FADJUR when he was eight months of age. It was love at first sight. They became an invincible team who has gone down in Arabian horse breeding history. Marjory convinced her loving husband, Jack Tone, that FADJUR should be her stallion. Jack Tone made the call to purchase him for Marge’s birthday just two months before he was a year old, and weeks before he was to go to an Arabian horse auction. Frank and Helen McCoy owned Bint Sahara when FADJUR was foaled, and had described him to Marjory when she asked for his recommendation of a stallion who looked like his maternal sister, Fersara.
FADJUR became a very loved and admired member of the Tone family. FADJUR never left the Jack Tone Ranch in Stockton, California, except to venture to a horse show or two per year or to be shown on exhibition. FADJUR’s last show at the age of 23 was the prestigious Arabian Horse Association of the San Fernando Valley’s annual show in Santa Barbara. FADJUR won the Class A Stallion Halter Championship, judged by B. Paul Husband, and topped off one of the greatest Arabian show horse records of all time.
Marjory Tone’s guidance over FADJUR’s life included giving permission for him to be shown by her son-in-law, Paul Polk (who had never even seen a horse show class!). Marge trained Paul to handle and show FADJUR in the way she loved to see him: FADJUR proudly showing off to the applause of Tone family and friends.
The pair, FADJUR and Paul Polk, became a show-stopping sight for the next twenty years of their lives. They won the most prestigious Halter Championships available at the time, in the most naturally animated, proudly showing off / having fun fashion! Just as Marge had imagined was possible.
Besides becoming a Legendary Show Horse and Sire, FADJUR -- the fuzzy weanling colt with the beautiful little face and proud attitude Marge Tone fell in love with -- grew up to be everything she could possibly hope for as an Arabian stallion. He never lost his extreme proudness and the love of life Marge saw as he threw his tail over his back to show off for her during that first meeting. Some of the features which made FADJUR stand out in everyone’s memory who saw him were: He was so extremely proud and loved to put on a show for people, whether in hand or free at home, he loved the applause! He would dance and prance, snorting and playing. His neck and tail held high, no matter how many hours the classes lasted nor how hot or cold the weather. He had a unique, unforgettably classic and chiseled head, with huge, dark, wide-set eyes, deeply dished profile, small muzzle, pronounced tear bones, beautiful shapely ears and fine, shiny blood bay coat, with high black points, a big bursting star on his forehead, and a left hind sock. He had an extremely arched neck, arched highly out of his withers, and a high, straight, flag tail carriage. He had beautiful substance and muscling, with big wide hooves and large powerful, flat joints. -- Those who knew FADJUR best know he had the most remarkable character and disposition of kindness, intelligence, understanding and will to please.
FADJUR was closest to Marge Tone, and seemed to understand every thought and communication she gave him. For thirty-one years, FADJUR lived as King of the Jack Tone Ranch. FADJUR's image still reigns over his Jack Tone Ranch Kingdom, through his line-bred descendants living there now.
Thinking horsemen the world over who have owned or worked with some FADJUR blooded horse, sooner or later return to seek out another: To re-attain the same passion FADJUR instilled in Marjory Tone so many years ago.
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